What We Do
We work in partnership and aim to achieve • an outstanding landscape, rich in wildlife and cultural heritage • a thriving, sustainable economy and vibrant communities • a strong connection between people and the landscape
Maintenance of watercourses
Overall the AONB is a relatively dry landscape as a consequence of its limestone geology but nevertheless water is an important feature.
For help and advice on watercourses – responsibilities, permits, maintenance and/or who to contact – please follow the links below.
Owning a Watercourse Guidance issued by the Government, sets out the responsibilities and rules to follow for watercourses on or near your property, and permissions you need to do work around them.
The Get permission to do work in or around a watercourse section explains how you find out which permissions and licences you need to maintain, repair, build or remove anything in or around a watercourse and from which authority they are required – Environment Agency for main rivers; lead local flood authority (either unitary authorities or county councils) or the internal drainage board for any other watercourse.
The Environment Agency’s River and coastal maintenance programme explains the type of flood and coastal risk management assets that are maintained by the Environment Agency and by searching the interactive map, you can check their current maintenance programme.