What We Do
We work in partnership and aim to achieve • an outstanding landscape, rich in wildlife and cultural heritage • a thriving, sustainable economy and vibrant communities • a strong connection between people and the landscape
Landscape Seascape Character Assessment
An understanding of landscape and seascape character underpins the approach to planning and management within the Arnside & Silverdale AONB, ensuring that all decisions affecting the designation conserve and enhance the special qualities of the outstanding landscape and seascape, now and for the future.
The assessment describes the key elements and qualities that make up the distinctive landscape and seascape character of the AONB and classifies its distinctive character types and areas. The assessment also identifies the inherent sensitivity of the AONB’s landscape and seascape character and its capacity for change. Current and anticipated forces for change are identified and recommendations set out for future management and protection of the nationally important AONB landscape and the adjoining areas that form the setting to it.
The Arnside & Silverdale Landscape and Seascape Character Assessment, which will support delivery of the AONB Management Plan over the current plan period (2014-19) and beyond, is available to download below.
Introduction (3.4MB)
The Landscape and Seascape Character Assessment Methodology
The Evolution of the Arnside & Silverdale Landscape and Seascape (part 1) (8.3MB)
The Evolution of the Arnside & Silverdale Landscape and Seascape (part 2)
The Evolution of the Arnside & Silverdale Landscape and Seascape (part 3) (2.4MB)
The Landscape and Seascape Classification
Transitional and Lowland Landscapes (3.8MB)
Wooded Limestone Hills (3.9MB)
The Landscape Character Types Forming the Setting of the AONB