What We Do
We work in partnership and aim to achieve • an outstanding landscape, rich in wildlife and cultural heritage • a thriving, sustainable economy and vibrant communities • a strong connection between people and the landscape
Annual Review 2020/21
2020/21 was challenging for everyone, and the AONB Team had to adapt in order to continue to operate in a safe and effective way.
Despite the challenges, the team continued to work towards the three key outcomes under the AONB Management Plan 2019-24:
- An outstanding landscape rich in natural and cultural heritage
- Vibrant and sustainable communities
- A strong connection between people and the landscape
The Annual Review 2020-21 highlights some of the ways in which the team adapted to the pandemic, and some of the support we were able to give the local community.
- We supported parish councils with signage to help people follow safe behaviours.
- We also helped to support local vulnerable people via redeployment through Lancaster City Council.
- We used social media and our website to keep people connected to the AONB during lockdown; including working with a local artist to create downloadable colouring sheets.
We also had some exciting new projects, including:
- Bee on the Verge, a campaign to promote biodiversity in roadside verges working with local partners including Arnside Parish Council and Yealand Women’s Institute.
- The AONB tree nursery, starting with local oak seedlings which our volunteers have been growing on.
- Meadow Makers, a Green Recovery Challenge Fund bid led by Plantlife.
- Preliminary work on the State of Nature Report and the Tree and Woodland Strategy.