What We Do
We work in partnership and aim to achieve • an outstanding landscape, rich in wildlife and cultural heritage • a thriving, sustainable economy and vibrant communities • a strong connection between people and the landscape
Annual Review 2018/19
2018/19 was another busy and successful year which saw us working in close partnership with others to conserve and enhance the AONB and to connect people with the landscape.
This Annual Review shows just how much was achieved but here are just some of the highlights.
- our volunteers contributed time and expertise worth almost £40,000 to conserve the landscape, improve access, carry out monitoring and help with events and office administration
- 259 hectares of land were conserved or enhanced for biodiversity, geodiversity and heritage through the work of the AONB Team
- 2 major documents were completed and adopted by the local authorities – the Arnside & Silverdale AONB Management Plan 2019-24 and the Arnside & Silverdale AONB Development Plan Document
- grants totalling £2190 were awarded from the AONB Small Grants Fund, which is run in partnership with the Arnside/Silverdale AONB Landscape Trust, to projects that directly conserve and enhance the special qualities of the area, facilitate quiet enjoyment and/or connect people to the landscape
- a very successful conference was held, attended by over 70 delegates, with keynote speakers Dr Alan Thompson and Jane Poole from Cuesta Consulting who during the year completed a full audit and assessment of the geology of the AONB. The Conference was a great opportunity to launch their ‘Geological Story’
Looking ahead our priorities remain to foster collaboration, secure protection and enhancement of the special qualities of the AONB and to encourage people to enjoy and connect with the area.