What We Do
We work in partnership and aim to achieve • an outstanding landscape, rich in wildlife and cultural heritage • a thriving, sustainable economy and vibrant communities • a strong connection between people and the landscape
Annual Review 2015/16
Arnside & Silverdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty is a truly wonderful place, which genuinely inspires people and we are very lucky to have such a large number of people who are passionate about the area and want to work together to protect it.
2015-16 was another busy year. Here are just a few of the highlights, but please do read our Annual Review (a 5MB file) to find out more.
- an incredible 3200 hours of volunteer effort
- making huge progress with the Joint Development Plan Document for the AONB following successful consultations in each of the parishes
- working with the Landscape Trust to establish a small grants fund to support local projects
- a successful programme of training and events to support and promote traditional rural skills
- our best ever AONB Apple Day which attracted over 1,000 visitors
Looking ahead, our priorities remain to foster collaboration, secure protection and enhancement of the special qualities of the AONB and to encourage people to enjoy and connect with the area.