Get Involved
Learn more about the landscape and heritage through walks, talks and other events. Volunteer to help at events, to carry out surveys or practical conservation tasks. Become a champion for the National Landscape by raising awareness in your own community and by supporting local projects.
How to join
Joining the Landscape Trust is easy, membership costs £15 for individuals and £20 for a family, payable annually on 1st April.
Simply fill in the application form which is available to download and print here. Payment may be made by completing and returning a direct debit instruction, cheque (made payable to the Arnside/Silverdale AONB Landscape Trust) or cash. Please return your form with direct debit instruction or payment to:
Membership Secretary, The Old Station Building, Arnside, Carnforth, Lancs LA5 0HG
Membership runs from 1st April to 31st March and on joining you will receive
- New member’s pack
- Keer to Kent, the Landscape Trust’s magazine, 3 times a year
- By providing your email address and consenting to receive extra communications we will keep you updated with our events programme, including walks, talks and exhibitions.
If you are a UK taxpayer you can help still further by filling in the Gift Aid Declaration which allows us to recover the tax you have paid on your subscription and any donations you make.
Thank you for your support.
- Email:[email protected]