Stunning limestone pavements, ancient woodlands, intimate orchards and meadows and an impressive coastline make Arnside & Silverdale National Landscape one of England's finest landscapes. The work of the National Landscape Partnership aims to conserve and enhance this extraordinary place now and for the future.
Bittern award nominations
January 8th, 2018
Don’t miss Friday’s deadline to submit your nomination for this year’s Bittern Award. Help us celebrate the often unsung contribution of an organisation, group or individual to the Arnside & Silverdale AONB.
Past winners include:
2016 Rob Petley-Jones (pictured) – for his outstanding work at Gait Barrows National Nature Reserve to ensure that this special limestone landscape has been managed in a way that conserves its iconic habitats and species.
2015 Peter Standing – for his work managing the Arnside/Silverdale AONB Landscape Trust’s annual event programme since 2010; attracting, entertaining and informing many local people and visitors to the area.
2014 Barry Ayre – for his outstanding contribution over many years including his work compiling an historical archive and also as editor of Keer to Kent
2013 David Mower – for his work as Warden at RSPB Leighton Moss and outstanding commitment to nature conservation in the AONB
2012 Ann Kitchen – for her work as Chair of the Bittern Community Interest Company, in particular for setting up the AONB community solar photovoltaics initiative; and also her longstanding contribution to biodiversity recording as part of the Arnside Natural History Society
2011 Peter Goulder and Sheila Porter – for their work to restore an important heritage orchard within the AONB and for hosting successful Apple Days
2010 Martin Wain and Butterfly Conservation – for their work to conserve High Brown Fritillary butterflies in the AONB
2009 Colin Peacock – for his longstanding commitment as AONB Executive Committee Chairman and involvement in the governance of the AONB since its designation
If you know someone who has worked tirelessly for the AONB, why not nominate them for the 2017 award using the form. Nominations must be received by Friday 12th January.